30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

At Celsius Medicinals, we are confident in both the efficacy and quality of our products. We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee for your peace of mind whilst you experience our products for yourself.

First things first:

I don't know if it's working?

All of our products are high potency, researched, and will reap results if use is consistently.

Personal experiences will vary. so please ensure you are following the suggested dosage, as specified on the product label, and using daily, to allow the product to work it's magic.


Whilst our products are potent and scientifically backed, do not expect an overnight change in your vitality. Consistent use is required to experience the effects of our products.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Please consult your medical practitioner before undertaking any medical program.*

I don't like the taste.

We endeavour to provide you with the most potent supplements in their rawest most bioavailable form.

A 'raw' or 'natural' flavour in a product is generally an indicator of high potency and effective processing methods, preserving the products innate state.

For example, a high quality shilajit product should present with a herbal tar-like odour and taste. We find this flavour profile best compliments bitter or strong beverages such as coffee or cacao.

Ideas on how to best incorporate our products can be found under suggested use on the product label.

Terms and conditions for our satisfaction guarantee

  1. Our guarantee is only valid for first-time orders. Subsequent orders are illegible for refunds.
  2. Returns are valid only after 30 days of order fulfilment.
  3. Refunds are not permitted after 60 days of order fulfilment. 30 days provides ample time to trial and experience tangible benefits from our products, when used as directed.
  4. Refunds are only permitted if individuals purchased the item directly from celsiusmedicinals.com
  5. If you are still not 100% satisfied with your purchase, please contact hello@celsiusmedicinals.com with the subject line 30 day satisfaction guarantee, and we'll be touch with you to initiate the return process.
  6. Whilst we will happily refund customers who are not satisfied with their purchase, a reason will need to be provided to our customer service team.
  7. We will not uphold our guarantee if you do not like the taste of a product.
  8. The address for the return will be provided upon contacting customer service to begin the return process.
  9. You are responsible for the postage of your return.
  10. If eligible, the full amount will be refunded to you upon return of goods to our premises.


"This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice. Nothing contained in this site is intended to be used as medical advice and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor should it be used for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for your own health professional's advice."